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时间:2017年12月03日 11:17



柯铭,女,汉族,中共党员,博士,副教授。1978年2月生,河南洛阳人。2000年毕业于中国人民解放军西安通信学院,2004年获兰州理工大学通信与信息系统专业硕士学位,2006年2月到2009年1月赴中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学学习,2009年获兰州理工大学控制理论与控制工程专业博士学位,现任兰州理工大学bb电子 学院副教授、硕士生导师。




[1] Ming Ke, Ran Zou, Hui Shen, Xing Huang, Zongtan Zhou, Zhening Liu, Zhimin Xue, Denwen Hu. Bilateral functional asymmetry disparity in positive and negative schizophrenia revealed by resting-state fMRI. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 2010, 182: 30-39.

[2] Ming Ke, Hui Shen, Jintu Fan, Xing Huang, Zongtan Zhou, Xiaogang Chen, Dewen Hu. Combining Resting-state fMRI and DTI Analysis for Early-onset Schizophrenia. The International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. 2009, 2: 375-385.

[3] Ming Ke, Chen Li. Analysis of S-I-R-S model on complex network based on the continuous time Markov chain. The 5th International Conference on Computational and Information Sciences (ICCIS), 2013,June 21-23.

[4] Ming Ke, Hui Shen, Zongtan Zhou, Xiaolin Zhou, Dewen Hu, Xuhui Chen. Brain functional network for chewing of gum. 10th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS2011), 2011, May 16-18.

[5] Ming Ke, Ran Zou, Zhimin Xue, Dewen Hu. The brain function asymmetry of schizophrenics in resting state. 自然科学进展. 2007, 17: 212-213.

[6] 柯铭,沈辉,胡德文. 基于fMRI的静息状态脑功能复杂网络分析. 国防科技大学学报. 2010, 1: 147-151.

[7] 柯铭,邹然,沈辉,刘哲宁,薛志敏,胡德文. 阴性及阳性症状为主型精神分裂症患者脑功能网络分析. 中国临床心理学杂志. 2009, 17: 575-578.

[8] Ming Ke, Ran Zou, Zhimin Xue, Dewen Hu. The brain function asymmetry of schizophrenics in resting state. The 1st Conference of Sino-Western Exchanges in Cognitive Neuroscience (CSWE-CNS 2006), October 25-28, 2006.

[9] Ming Ke, Hui Shen, Baojuan Li, Zongtan Zhou, Dewen Hu. Differentiate Negative and Positive Schizophrenia Using Support Vector Machine. The 1st International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics (ICCN'07), November 17-21, 2007.

[10] Ming Ke, Xing Huang, Hui Shen, Zongtan Zhou, Xiaogang Chen, Dewen Hu. Combined Analysis of Resting-state fMRI and DTI Data Reveals Abnormal Development of Function-structure in Early-onset Schizophrenia. The third interational conference on rough sets and knowledge technology (RSKT2008), May 17-19, 2008.

[11] Ming Ke, Hui Shen, Zongtan Zhou, Xiaolin Zhou, Dewen Hu, Xuhui Chen. Brain functional network for chewing of gum. 10th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science(ICIS2011), May 16-18, 2011.

[12] Hui Shen, Ming Ke, Dewen Hu. Application of complex network model exploring resting-state human brain functional network. 神经科学进展(五). 2008, 566-567.

姓 名:柯铭

性 别:女

职 称:副教授





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