本学科现有教师15人,其中正教授7人,博士生导师5人,具有博士学位教师10人,其中国家首批新世纪百千万人才1人、甘肃省领军人才5人、“十一五”国家制造业信息化工程西部片区专家1人、甘肃省制造业信息化专家组专家2人。拥有 “国家级Linux技术推广与培训中心”、“甘肃省制造业信息化工程技术研究中心”。拥有甘肃省唯一一所省级示范性软件学院,实验室总面积2000余平方米,设备资产1500余万元。先后完成国家科技支撑计划、863、国家自然基金等重大项目8项,获省部级科技奖励10项,发表高水平论文400余篇,其中200余篇被三大检索收录。获甘肃省教育厅教学成果奖1项,主编出版专著2部,教材8部。目前承担国家自然科学基金5项,在研省部级科研项目10余项。

Brief Introduction to Software Engineering discipline
This discipline studies the definition, development, releasing and maintenance of software products meeting the demands of users according to budget and schedule by applying computer science theories and technologies and principles and methods of engineering management. The research object of software engineering is software system, which covers software science and software engineering. The key point of research is how to find the basic rules of software credibility, measurement and evolution to face the challenges of complexity, openness, and evolution confronted by modern software; the focus of engineering is to develop reliable and handy products by the comprehensive use of scientific methods, all kinds of scientific knowledge and the deep understanding of the various factors of acceptable products.
This discipline confers bachelor’s and master’s degrees and is the main supporting discipline for Manufacturing Industry Informatization. Over the years, this discipline focuses on the discipline construction and teaching and scientific research to improve academic level, and adheres to the close integration of research orientation and regional economic construction to realize featured and interdisciplinary development. This discipline has formed 3 characteristic, strong, promising and locally superior research orientations such as the soft computing theory and application, pattern recognition and image processing and enterprise information system and has achieved a series of important research results and well social and economic benefits and takes the leading position in Gansu, which has great influence on the social and economic development of western area.